139 - Alex Bullington (MarkUp) On Getting Landing Page Feedback

139 - Alex Bullington (MarkUp) On Getting Landing Page Feedback


Alex is the co-founder of MarkUp. MarkUp allows you to turn your website into a dynamic canvas ready for feedback and collaboration. Streamline your feedback with a quicker, easier, and clearer process.
About this episode: Alex is the co-founder of MarkUp. MarkUp allows you to turn your website into a dynamic canvas ready for feedback and collaboration. Streamline your feedback with a quicker, easier, and clearer process.

Listen to this episode if you are:

-Looking for feedback on your product
- Curious to learn about Intrapreneurship
- Want to know ho Alex knows what to work on every day
-  Curious how to stay focused when there are 100 different paths you could go down as a CEO
- Curious about how Alex thinks about fundraising.
- And tons more!

Extra Info
Want to come on the podcast? Follow me and hit me up on Twitter, I'd love to learn about what you're working on.
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