048 - Emily Wang (Canairy) Identifying Respiratory Illnesses With AI

048 - Emily Wang (Canairy) Identifying Respiratory Illnesses With AI


When I learned about Canairy, I was amazed by what I was looking at and had to get to know one of the founders. After talking to Emily, Cofounder and COO, I was not disappointed. Canairy is a product that's able to tell is someone has a respiratory illness by getting an input of just a cough. This wide-ranging conversation is not one to miss.
In this episode, we cover many questions, including but not limited to these ones:
  • How did you get this idea and the inspiration for this company?
  • What are some of the skillsets needed to build this product?
  • Is the product software or hardware?
  • How does the AI work/think to identify Respiratory Illnesses?
  • What was the Thiel Fellowship like?
  • Did you ever get to meet Peter Thiel? What's he like?
  • How can founders better balance their work and their life?
  • What are some of the best learnings you've had while working on this company?
  • What advice you have for an aspiring founder?
  • What is your ask for the Forward Thinking Founders community? 
Learn more about Emily on Twitter here and find Canairy online here. Thanks for tuning into #48! See you tomorrow. 
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