129 - Anthony Zhang (Vinovest) on Wine as an Asset Class

129 - Anthony Zhang (Vinovest) on Wine as an Asset Class


In this episode, Anthony and I chop it up an all things wine, investing, LA, and what it like to leave a company to start another. Hope you enjoy this episode of Forward THinking Founders.
About this episode: Anthony is one of the cofounders of Vinovest. Vinovest helps you diversify your portfolio by investing in the world's most sought-after wines. Professionally stored for you, and always insured.

Listen to this episode if you are interested in:

- Wine (to drink)
- Wine (as an asset class)
- Investing
- The LA startup scene
- Risk when starting a company
- What Anthony spends his time on
- Fundraising for seed-stage startups
- And tons more!

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