Didrik is the CEO of Young Sustainable Impact. YSI gathers young talent from all around the world to develop impact startups, with the 17 Sustainable development goals as a framework.
About this episode: Didrik is the CEO of Young Sustainable Impact. YSI gathers young talent from all around the world to develop impact startups, with the 17 Sustainable development goals as a framework.
Listen to this episode if you:
Wondering what YSI is
Are curious about how he's been able to build a global brand
Are wondering about his thoughts on remote working, consdering every startup he puts together is remote
Want to know the bar YSI sets for talent, and the thing they look for in applicants
Wonder about the big differences from where he lives in Norway and the USA
Want to know about the big vision for YSI
More Info: Want to come on the podcast? Follow me and hit me up on Twitter, I'd love to learn about what you're working on.