All Episodes
565 - Taj Adhav (Leasecake) On Building The The OS for Location Management
Taj Adhav is the co-founder of Leasecake, which is the operating system for location management. Leasecake is the sole source of truth that helps business owners stay ...
564 - Emanuel Frauenlob ( On Helping Salespeople Get a Higher Response Rate
Emanuel Frauenlob is the cofounder of helps salespeople achieve a higher response rate on their outreach messages by providing unique prospect insight...
563 - Swarup Nanda & Preeti Chib (Pencil) On Building a Free Publishing Platform
Swarup Nanda & Preeti Chib are the cofounders of Pencil. Pencil is the perfect platform to read, write and get your story discovered by the power of community
562 - Alex Govoreanu (Questo) On Building A Platform For City Exploration Games
Alex is the co-founder of Questo. Questo provides city exploration games for travellers and locals
561 - Miri Buckland & Ellie Buckingham (The Landing) On Building A Social and Shoppable Design Platform.
Miri Buckland & Ellie Buckingham are cofounders of The Landing. The Landing is a social design platform that empowers everyone to create together.
560 - Xander Oltmann (Scope) On Building a Platform for "Implementation as a Service"
Xander Oltmann is the cofounder of Scope. Scope matches you with the right expert for your implementation, and provides the tools to manage the project effectively.
559 - Adar Hay (Jiga) On Building a Platform For Getting Custom Parts For Hardware Products
Adar Hay is the cofounder of Jiga. Jiga allows you to get custom parts easily from top suppliers in CNC machining, 3D printing and sheet metal.
558 - Margaux Avedisian & Deborah Metts (Beyond The Runway) On Creating A Custom Avatar To Shop Online
Margaux Avedisian & Deborah Metts are the cofounders of Beyond The Runway. Beyond the Runway is a multi-brand fashion retail app that allows you to create a 95% custom...
557 - Ajay Saini and Vahid Fazel-Rezai (Overfit) On A Platform For 1-on-1 Remote Personal Training
Ajay Saini and Vahid Fazel-Rezai are the cofounders of Overfit. Overfit provides a human trainer that holds you accountable and AI creates the best workouts for you.
556 - An Early Bet on Ben Grosse
Welcome to Early Bets: This is a segment on the show called "Early Bets". I find young ambitious people who haven't found their thing yet, but might be starting a comp...
555 - Chris Edwards (Sensory Robotics) On Making Robotics Safer For The World
Chris Edwards is the cofounder of Sensory Robotics. Most collaborative robots are weak, slow, and expensive. However, their system creates a safety envelope around a c...
554 - Aakash Shah (Wyndly) On Live Life Allergy-Free Through Personalized Allergy Drops
Aakash Shah is the co-founder of Wyndly. Wyndly gives allergy sufferers lifelong relief with personalized allergy drop immunotherapy.
553 - Alexandre Borowczyk (Notos Technologies) On Pioneering Forever Flight
Alexandre Borowczyk is the cofounder of Notos Technologies. By using the same techniques birds use to harvest energy during flight, we have created a novel Mission Man...
552 - Fehintolu Olaogun & Olorunfemi Jegede (CredPal) On Providing Credit Access For Emerging Ecomonies
Fehintolu Olaogun & Olorunfemi Jegede are the cofounders of CredPal. CredPal is a revolutionary credit solution geared towards providing seamless credit access for bu...
551 - Timothy Strother (Call Your Friends) On Keeping In Touch With Family and Friends
Timothy is the founder of Calll Your Friends. Call Your Friends helps you build closer connections with the people you love. We believe quality relationships are the s...
550 - Jillian Schuller (Sundayy) on a Better Way to Stay Connected to Family and Friends
Jillian Schuller is the founder of Sundayy. Sundayy is the social network you check once a week, on Sunday. See a different side of your friends, family, and yourself....
549 - Andrew Luong (Doorvest) On Enabling Anyone To Invest in Cash Flowing Rental Homes
Andrew is the co-founder of Doorvest. Doorvest allows you to own income-generating rental homes entirely online.
548 - Sedale Turbovsky (OpenGrants) On Democratizing Access To Grants
Sedale Turbovsky is the cofounder of OpenGrants. Opengrants is a search engine and expert marketplace that unlocks non-dilutive U.S. funding for organizations around t...
547- Chris Price and Nathan Frey (AtomicAI) On Putting Data Science Into Nanoscience
Chris Price and Nathan Frey are the cofounders of AtomicAI. AtomicAI ingests your synthesis data and provides insights to help you converge to the perfect chemical rec...
546 - Conor Gleeson (Sacra) On Building a Backchannel Into The Secondary Markets
Conor Gleeson is on the founding team of Sacra. Sacra gets you the data and research you need to be a better private markets investor.
545 - Vernita Brown (Natalist) On making fertility and pregnancy products with a net-zero plastic footprint
Vernita Brown is on the founding team (and is CEO) of Natalist. Natalist is everything you need to increase your chances of conceiving and kick-start a healthy pregnancy.
544 - Rian Mc Donnell (FloWaste) On Creating a Food Waste Analytics Platform
Rian is the cofounder of FloWaste. Bringing downstream analytics to the food supply chain… Starting with cafeterias.
543 - David Bromberg (Sellerant) On Building A Platform That Optimizes Upselling Customers
David Bromberg is the cofounder of Sellerant. Sellerant is an AI-enabled Customer Success Platform built to optimize upsell opportunities.
542 - Vahan Melkonyan (Cauldron) On Bypassing The Resume in the Hiring Process
Vahan Melkonyan is the cofounder of Cauldron. Cauldron is software that redefines the job application process and lets you meet the best candidates in shortest time.
541 - Anastasia Logvinenko ( On Building a Platform to Understand Your Ad Performance
Anastasia Logvinenko is the cofounder of manages a complete view of all your ad creatives & performance across multiple platforms - visuals, vi...
540 - Alex Masmej (Showtime) On Building an NFT Social Network
Alex Masmej is the co-founder of Showtime. Showtime allows anyone to discover and showcase digital art, memes, and more.
539 - Matt Mireles (Oasis) On Videochatting As Your Alter Ego By Using Avatars
Matt Mireles is the founder of Oasis. Oasis allows you to videochat through an avatar that looks totally real. Be your alter ego or your ideal self.
538 - Cameron T. ( On Building a Competitive Typing Platform
Cameron is the founder of is an online multiplayer typing game that allows typists from all around the world go against each other and find out who ...